Once upon a time, in a vibrant town, Lived a girl named Chmel, never with a frown. She loved to explore and learn every day, With her friend Fyona, who showed her the way. Fyona was active, so healthy and strong, With her radiant smile, she could never go wrong. She'd wake up each morning, full of cheer, Ready for her daily workout, oh my dear! One sunny day, Chmel joined Fyona's quest, To discover why exercise is truly the best. They set off to the gym, with excitement in tow, To learn why being healthy makes our spirits glow. In the gym, Fyona showed Chmel around, Weights, treadmills, and yoga mats abound. She said, "Exercise keeps our bodies strong, It's a special gift that we all should prolong." Next, they stretched and reached for the stars, Fyona said, "Flexibility will take you far. It helps prevent injuries, keeps us agile and light, So we can dance and play, from morning till night." They practiced yoga, finding peace in each pose, Fyona whispe...